
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Young Bloomers

Yes, you’ve seen them everywhere… Musicians, young, untalented, good looking, and of course… famous. This breed of musicians is the new normal. With the technology we have in studios today, anyone can sound good, so these so called ‘musicians’ are a real disgrace to the name they hold. A musician used to be someone so devoted to their music, they would give up anything to be able to play in a band or even get a gig, without expectation of profit. But yet all the new young bloomers just show up on Disney Channel and they’re all of a sudden famous. I don’t want to pull out any names and anger anybody, but you know who I'm talking about.

Is it sad to anyone else that the skillful suffer meanwhile the lucky fools swim laps in their money filled pools? Is all hope lost for the future of skilled musicians? And the worst thing is, no one talks about it. Everyone’s opinions are either blocked out or they are too scared to express themselves. And no one in the music business says anything about it because the Young Bloomers are making them rich. So here I am, expressing my opinion, taking the advantage of freedom of the press. 

Another thing that really grinds my gears is that a lot of the time these ‘musicians’ aren’t even playing their own songs. Most of the time they will pay a songwriter to do all that for them. So literally all they have to do to get rich and famous is stand in front of a camera, dance around for their new music video, and rack in the cash. The songwriters don’t get any credit for the songs, technically they will own the rights to the songs but they never get known or famous to their work. Yes, the songwriters do get paid but if you are really passionate about your music you would rather be known for your creation then have a lot of cash in your stash.

Stay Tuned.

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